LMR Consulting | Small Business Marketing

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2022 Business Goals: Marketing in Summit County, CO

my 2022 small Business Goals

What are your 2022 Business Goals as a small business in Summit County, CO? 

As a marketing consultant and specialist, I often spend much of my time helping my local and regional Colorado small business clients reach their annual goals. In fact, I am so focused on my clients that I often forget to set my own.

But this year is different, and I am taking the time to sit down and define my goals for the upcoming year. 

Someone once told me that "the best strategy is the one that works for you," which I choose to embody and share with my clients daily. Goals mean nothing if you don't have a plan to execute them! 

In that same thread, my personal and business goals bleed into each other because I believe that we are whole unique people whose jobs are only a part of our lives, not our entire lives. So, the strategy that works for me is intertwining my personal and professional goals for 2022. 

Here's my quick list:

LMR Consulting's 2022 Business Goals:

  1. Feel less stressed, more confident, empowered, and motivated.

  2. Help more Summit County local businesses.

  3. Cultivate, support, and engage with a new Summit County women's business group.

  4. Hire freelance help or partner with local companies such as website designers, graphic designers, etc.

  5. Create an online resource for clients/potential clients.

  6. Take some real time off, a.k.a embody better work-life boundaries.

The above list ranges from personal to professional. Still, everything on this list will improve my business as I enhance focus and embody those goals throughout 2022. So let's get into a deep dive on each plan.

The best strategy is the one that works for you. Make your goals your own.

Goal #1: Monitor Stress

My first goal is to monitor stress as a one-woman show and small business owner because, ultimately, everything else flows from this. When I work from abundance and creativity, not out of stress and pressure, I can enhance my creativity, be more authentic, and give my clients more knowledge and focus. 

I will monitor stress in a few different ways. One of the main focuses is completing the stress cycle through activity. Part of this looks like afternoon walks with my dog Toby, and the other part is regular exercise that fuels my body and calms my mind. 

I recently joined Crossfit Low Oxygen. The goal is to attend their 6 am class 3 times a week, do yoga 1x a week, and tour up Arapahoe Basin Ski Area at least 1x a week during the winter. 

By moving my body and completing the stress cycle, I am freeing my mind for my work and clearing the path for creativity! Goal #1 for 2022!

Goal #2: Help More Small Businesses & Grow

Business growth and community are both necessary to me. This goal combines both.

I will serve more local small businesses doing great things in their community in 2022. I'd also like to expand services to two more full-time clients. Small, simple, and doable!

Goal #3: Summit Women's Biz Owners Group

I recently became part of a small group in Summit County focused on supporting local women-owned businesses and doing fantastic things in the community. My goal here is to enhance my support system for my business, meet and share my story with amazing women, and do networking that feels meaningful and real. 

I honestly couldn't do my business without my support system, so adding more support cannot be wrong. 

Goal #4: Engage with Partners

As a small business owner, it can be so challenging to ask for help. The goal of engaging with partners in 2022 is to hire some additional help with my assistant and partner with other local services like web design to offer more to my clients! 

I love working with other small businesses or solopreneurs, especially in Colorado. I want to ensure I'm referring and using services providers I know and trust. Yay, community!

Goal #5: Create an Online Resource

I'd love to help more small businesses (goal #2) by offering an online resource that is easily accessible, affordable, and truly helpful to small businesses. This could look like a class or an r-book — keep your eyes peeled as this idea takes shape! 

By mid-year, I'll have something to announce in this department! 

Goal #6: Take Time Off

One of the most important things to me is work-life balance. I took time off this year but was only honestly "off" and disconnected when I had no service. 

In 2022, my goal is to separate more from being permanently available online, for example, turning off my emails and social media for work after 5 pm and doing that same thing for long weekends or weekends in general. 

My goal is to disconnect more to be more fully present when I am checked in! This one feels more challenging than others, so wish me luck. 

Setting small business goals can often feel daunting and even downright scary. By sharing my 2022 business goals, I hope you can reflect on what you would like for your business in 2022 and set some attainable and integrated goals. 

You are not just your business, but a business owner, family member, friend, and so much more! 

Choose plans this year that prioritize mental and physical health that can be a foundation to drive your business goals here in Summit County, CO.

If you'd like help with a 2022 business plan or want to chat over goals-- you know where to find me!

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