8 Ways to Keep Your Sanity as a Small Business Owner

Self Care, Focus, + Sanity as a Small Business Owner

There are lots of rewards to being a small business owner. In addition to doing what you love the most, you also impact your community and its people. However, being a small business owner also has its share of downsides.

With all the hats to wear and people to satisfy, sometimes the weight and pressure of being a small business owner can negatively affect productivity and mindset. And depending on how you tackle those negative feelings, it can make or break your business.

Thankfully, there are easy ways to manage those feelings and get you back on track when you start to feel not so in control anymore. Here are eight ways to keep your sanity as a small business owner:

1. Write a to-do list

One of the best ways to keep your sanity as a small business owner is to keep organized! At the end of each workday or workweek, write a list of the things that did not get completed. 

As you write your list, prioritize the items based on urgency and importance so that you know which to focus on the following day. Additionally, use that time to update your calendar with new or updated appointments. By knowing what's ahead in the week, your mind will be better prepared to tackle those things.

By listening to your body and taking some time off when you start to feel your energy levels dropping, you give yourself space to think clearly and analyze things from the outside. You're much better positioned to make critical decisions for your small business when you have a clear mental slate.

2. Don't be afraid to ask for help.

One of the biggest misconceptions and mistakes among small business owners and entrepreneurs is that we must do everything ourselves! Unfortunately, this exact mindset leads us to become overwhelmed and burnt out.

If you want to keep your sanity as a small business owner, you mustn't be afraid to delegate or outsource tasks that take too much time or mental space. These tasks include tedious administrative and financial duties as well as more strategic tasks such as marketing, social media, and branding.

By handing these tasks off to someone who has better bandwidth or knowledge to do them, you free yourself to focus on the things you enjoy, which helps your small business grow.

3. Automate your systems.

Evaluate which tasks in your small business currently take up the most time and ask if you can automate them. For example, tasks such as social media and e-mail are easily scheduled in advance with scheduling programs and apps (many of which are free). You can also automate invoicing and payments to ensure that you pay and get paid on time without missing a due date. Here are some of my favorite apps to help take off the load and save your sanity.

4. Regularly incorporate self-care into your routine.

Learning to take care of yourself is a must to keep your sanity as a small business owner. And self-care doesn't just mean going to the spa or the salon for a new hairdo or manicure (although that's not a bad idea either). It also means getting enough rest, drinking plenty of water, and eating well. It means taking time to exercise and focus on improving your mindset. It also means saying "no" to things that don't feel right or that don't fit your short-term or long-term goals.

5. Take frequent breaks.

One of the biggest problems among small business owners and entrepreneurs is that we work nonstop. Once we get started working, we feel that we need to work as hard as possible to feel "productive" at the end of the day. But on the contrary, working in this manner wears us out more and reduces our productivity!

If you want to keep your sanity as a small business owner, incorporate frequent breaks into your schedule. And they don't have to be long breaks-- just 15-20 minute breaks each hour or two will suffice. Use this break to get outside for fresh air or take a walk. It's incredible how much a 20-minute walk can reset our mental state and reinvigorate us to do the things we need to do.

6. Take time off when needed.

Have you ever heard of "taking a mental health day"? If not, you should make it a regular practice if you want to keep your sanity as a small business owner!

As a small business owner, it is easy to feel guilty for taking time away from your business. However, not only is it important to listen to your body and take a break from your work when you feel it's necessary, but it's OK to do so!

By listening to your body and taking some time off when you start to feel your energy levels dropping, you give yourself space to think clearly and analyze things from the outside. You're much better positioned to make critical decisions for your small business when you have a clear mental slate.

7. Always keep your "why" in mind.

As a small business owner, there will be times when you start to contemplate whether starting your business was a good idea or if keeping your business is a good idea. First and foremost, let's normalize this feeling-- you are not the only one who has had those thoughts! Now that we've covered that, let's talk about dealing with those feelings.

There's a popular quote that says, "When you feel like giving up, remember why you started in the first place." And when it comes to keeping your sanity as a small business owner, this is one of the most important things to remember!

When you start to question yourself or where you're going in your business, take a moment to think about why you started your business in the first place. Who does your business help? What would those people do without you? How did your business make you feel when you first started it? How will you feel if you no longer operate your business? What impact does your business have on your life and the lives of others? What impact will it have if it no longer exists?

You were excited about starting your business for a reason. Remembering those reasons goes a long way if you want to keep your sanity during the tough times!


8. Give yourself grace!

Last but certainly not least, give yourself grace. If you ask me, this is one of THE most important ways to keep your sanity as a small business owner.

Giving yourself grace means allowing yourself to make mistakes. It means forgiving yourself for those mistakes. It means understanding and accepting that you're not perfect and that every mistake that you DO make is an opportunity to learn something new and do things differently the next time around. Finally, it means being OK with not doing it all and not feeling guilty or selfish for taking time to yourself.

Yes, being a small business owner means wearing many hats, and sometimes wearing those hats can be stressful. But when you give yourself grace during the ups and downs, you'll feel more confident and positive to keep pushing forward and receive all of the great things you deserve.

What are some ways you keep your sanity as a small business owner? Share in the comments below!


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