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Top Marketing Takeaways for Small Businesses in 2022

Top Marketing Takeaways for Small Businesses in 2022

If you are reading this, congratulations! You made it to the end of what may be a banner year for many small businesses.

The COVID-19 pandemic continued to upend daily life for billions in 2021, with social distancing continuing to move businesses to the digital realm. Increasingly it appears that "digital-first" is the name of the game for the modern customer.

Is your business ready to take on the new challenges and opportunities that 2022 will hold? Let's take a look at the top marketing takeaways for small businesses in Colorado.

10 Top Marketing Trends for Small Businesses

Content is Still King (and Queen!)

With over 80% of customers researching online before making a purchase decision, content is essential for connecting with your customers. 

The Content Marketing Institute predicts that spending on content marketing will outpace all other areas of digital media in 2022 and beyond.

Whether helping customers solve problems or addressing common myths about your business, the key to success is providing customers with the content they need to help you sell your product or service.

How Your Business Can Win with Content in 2022:

  • Make sure your website is well-organized and easy to navigate, with clear and concise information about what you do and how you can help customers solve their problems.

  • Regularly produce helpful blog posts, white papers, ebooks, infographics, and other types of content that will provide value to your customers.

  • Incorporate video into your content marketing efforts, as customers often prefer videos to reading blog posts.

Podcasts and Video Content Reign Supreme

Although you may be tempted to base your content marketing on the types of content that drive the most traffic (for example, blogging), it's essential not to overlook more passive forms of content like podcasts and video. 

With 69% of marketers reporting that they will increase their video budgets in 2022, this is a sign that video is still critical.

Podcasts and video content give customers a transparent and empathetic window into your business, helping them feel connected to you even if they don't know much about what you do.

This type of content is also more likely to break through the noise of other marketing efforts, gaining attention from potential customers who are too busy or distracted for different types of content.

How Your Business Can Win with Podcasts and Video in 2022:

  • Create a well-produced podcast that tells the story of your business and what you do.

  • Invest in quality video content, such as customer testimonials, case studies, and interviews with thought leaders in your industry.

  • Partner with other brands and businesses and work to become a guest on high-quality podcasts in your niche.

With 69% of marketers reporting that they will increase their video budgets in 2022, this is a sign that video is still critical.

Social Media Remains a Powerful Tool

Although social media has played host to a few controversies in 2021, it is still an essential tool for businesses of all sizes.

How is your social media presence looking going into the new year? Are you diversifying your content strategy to appeal to a range of customers?

Social media is evolving, and businesses need to be agile to keep up. In particular, companies should focus on using social media to drive engagement and loyalty rather than relying solely on driving traffic back to their website.

How Your Business Can Win with Social in 2022:

  • Start by developing a social media strategy that outlines your goals for each platform and the types of content you will post.

  • Make sure all your social media profiles are up-to-date and accurately reflect your brand.

  • Regularly produce engaging content that encourages customers to interact with you on social media.

  • Partner with other brands and businesses to cross-promote content on social media.

    SEO-Driven Design Becomes Even More Important

As search engines continue to evolve, businesses need to ensure that their website design and SEO are aligned to achieve the best possible results.

In 2022, businesses will need to focus on creating a website that is not only visually appealing but also easy for search engines to crawl and index.

This means avoiding common design mistakes and using keyword-rich titles and descriptions for all of your web pages.

How Your Business Can Win with SEO in 2022:

  • Make sure your website is designed with SEO in mind.

  • Optimize all of your website's content for keywords that are relevant to your business.

  • Use images and videos that are rich with keywords.

Email Marketing Stays Surprisingly Effective

Who would have thought that email marketing would still play an essential role after these years?

In 2022, businesses can maintain a solid customer base by developing a strategy for reaching out to the customers who have signed up for their email lists.

It may be time for you to look at your overall email marketing strategy to see if there are any ways you can improve it.

How Your Business Can Win with Email in 2022:

  • Create a well-crafted email campaign that is tailored to your customers' interests.

  • Include special offers and discounts in your email marketing messages.

  • Make sure your website is designed to capture email signups from potential customers.

  • Test different types of emails to see which ones generate the best response.

    The Cookie Jar Is Going Empty

Most interestingly, 2022 will see the year that marketing will enter the post-cookie landscape. Of course, we don't mean that cookies will disappear altogether, but digital marketers will find it harder to access user behavior on mobile devices.

For years, businesses have relied on tracking user behavior using cookies - those data tracking crumbs that follow buyers across the web as they browse.

However, many browsers are adopting policies that prevent this type of tracking. This means that marketers need to develop new ways to measure interactions between their brand and potential customers.

How Your Business Can Win with Cookies in 2022:

  • Focus on developing a solid mobile presence.

  • Use alternative methods to track user behavior, such as A/B testing and surveys.

  • Partner with other brands to establish cross-platform marketing initiatives.

    Consumers Want to Partner with Transparent Businesses

In a world where information is readily available, businesses need to be transparent to earn their customers' trust.

In 2022, consumers will be looking for open and honest businesses to support. This means being transparent about collecting and using customer data and disclosing any partnerships or affiliations you have with other brands or organizations.

How Your Business Can Win by Being Transparent in 2022:

  • Develop a content marketing strategy that explains your brand's values and how it operates.

  • Lead by example when it comes to honest business practices.

  • Share information about your business with the public on social media channels.

Advocacy Starts Before the First Sale Is Made

In the past, businesses have typically waited until after the sale is made to start relationship building with their customers. However, in 2022, companies will need to begin advocating for their products and services before the first sale is even made.

This means creating content that provides value to potential customers and encouraging them to interact with your brand regularly. It also means developing relationships with key industry influencers who can help promote your products and services.

How Your Business Can Win with Relationship Building in 2022:

  • Create content that is helpful and relevant to your customers.

  • Encourage customers to interact with your brand on social media and other online platforms.

  • Develop relationships with key industry influencers.

Use Stories To Create Authentic Connections

Authenticity is becoming increasingly crucial for businesses in 2022. As a result, storytelling will become one of the most effective marketing strategies available.

To create authentic connections with your audience, you need to start telling stories representing what your business stands for and what it believes in. An exciting story can engage potential customers and encourage them to learn more about your brand.

Stories can be used in nearly every aspect of your business, from your website to your social media pages.

How Your Business Can Win with Authenticity in 2022:

  • Create content that tells an exciting story about your brand, mission, or values.

  • Develop customer testimonials that provide future customers with a real-life picture of what it's like to work with you.

Data Is Your Best Friend and Closest Ally

In the past, businesses have been hesitant to trust data instead of relying on their own intuition and experience. However, in 2022, data will be more critical than ever before.

Data is your best friend and closest ally because it can help you make informed decisions about your marketing strategy. By analyzing customer surveys, social media interactions, and website visits, you can better understand your customer base and target market.

Data and analytics can be used to monitor customer behavior, improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and continually refine your business practices.

How Your Business Can Win with Data in 2022:

  • Create content that uses data to back up claims or arguments.

  • Use data from customer surveys, social media interactions, and website visits to better understand customer behavior.

  • Partner with digital analytics firms to get a deeper understanding of your customer's online behavior.

The Key for Success in 2022? Become Your Customer's Partner

Beyond the data-driven analytics and logistical updates you will need to make to stay afloat, the most crucial shift you must undergo is a mind shift. 

You must think of yourself as your customer's partner, not just their supplier.

As a small business, you play an essential role in your customers' lives. If they choose to support your business, you have a responsibility to provide them with the best service possible.

In 2022, small businesses that focus on customer satisfaction will out-perform their competition and continue thriving for years to come. To become a success story like these companies, you need to make customer satisfaction your number one priority.

Jumpstart Your 2022 Marketing with LMR Consulting

Are you ready to make 2022 the best business year yet? Let us help!

LMR Consulting provides digital marketing services that can power up your enterprise. With years of experience helping small businesses reach their goals with digital marketing and business strategy services, we can help you get off on the right foot in 2022 and beyond.

For a free consultation, contact me today! We can't wait to see what you achieve in 2022!

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